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Painting Easels

Studio Policies

My goal is to provide a studio environment where every student can participate fully and succeed.  In order to do this, students will move at their own pace.  While I employ a linear curriculum, everyone will begin at a somewhat different level, some will take to certain skills faster or slower than others, and that's all okay - there is no set timeline or deadline for project completion.  Beginning with the '24-25 school year, I will employ a tiered instructional model.  This is intended to be somewhat similar to the belt system found in martial arts.  However, the 'level' will always be kept private. Placement will be determined by dexterity and fine motor skill, as well as skill attainment.  The intention of this system is to meet students where they are, and not to overwhelm students - which in my opinion only leads to frustration, quitting art, and negative feelings.  For these reasons, you will see a wider range of projects in work at the studio at any one time, and your student may likely be working on something similar but somewhat different than their neighbor.

To achieve a high level of growth and accomplishment, practice is required.  I never 'assign' practice or homework.   However,  I do build it into the program.  I begin each project with skill building exercises that introduce media handling skills.  Next, are 'practice pieces'  or 'mini-projects' designed to implement and practice our newly acquired skills.  They may not be the most exciting thing we do all year (although they are still fun), but they are foundational and necessary to progress.  I want students to understand this - not everything we do will be a masterpiece.  Some will, some will be practice, and that's okay.  As students develop and master skills, we work on more complicated pieces and 'finished pieces' or 'larger projects'.   Each student works and learns at their own pace.  For this reason, not every student will complete the same number of pieces each month or each year.  I believe it is better to do good work slowly, than mediocre work quickly.

It is my belief that art education is essential to education.   Students learn many valuable life skills when they study art. These skills include:  deconstructing problems & problem solving, non-linear thinking, determining the 'best' solution among multiple 'right' answers, creative thinking, cross-content connections, critical thinking, mental and physical stamina, resilience,  dexterity,  time management, self-esteem, accepting constructive criticism, working with others, responsibility, confidence, striving for excellence, and many other things - not the least of which, is understanding how art influences the world (and the other way around) and finding our place in it. 

At the beginning of each lesson, the instructor demonstrates different techniques and methods of working.  Throughout the lesson instructors work individually with each student to meet them where they are to further their skill development and progress in their current piece.  


Students are responsible for collecting their projects and materials at the beginning of each lesson and setting themselves up to work; and cleaning them up at the end.  Students need to follow all instructions and behave in ways that enhance the studio and learning.  Students who are exceptionally disruptive, or damage the studio or materials will not be permitted to continue.


** In the best interest of everyone involved, an adult caregiver should escort each minor student to and from the studio at the beginning and end of each lesson.  Parents/guardians may sign a release waiver if they prefer their child to sign themselves out of the studio.  


The Studio is open 15 minutes before and after class.  We do not offer before or after care.  More than three late pick ups (more than 15 minutes late) will result in an additional charge of $25/half hour. 

Students pay monthly for a reserved time each week whether or not they can attend a lesson.  I do not charge extra for 5-week months, nor do I credit for shorter months. 


Students may make up one missed class every 30 days up to three per year.  Make ups must be completed within 30 days of the missed class and reserved at least 24 hours in advance.  Monetary refunds will not be issued for missed classes.

The studio will follow the Maplewood-South Orange school calendar.  When the schools are closed for break or holiday, so is the studio. 

Lessons will be offered during the summer. Taking lessons in the summer enhances a student's progress in many ways. I encourage students to continue their studies throughout the summer if they are able. I need to know who is returning in September if lessons are temporarily suspended during the summer. Please be courteous and tell me if you do not plan to continue your studies in the fall. Otherwise, I will assume that you will be returning as one of my students. 

The lesson fee is expected to be paid in advance at the beginning of every month through a subscription plan on this site which will automatically bill at the anniversary date on which you joined for the forward month of service.  In other words, if you joined on Sept 12th, your subscription will renew on Oct 12th.


Canceling your membership requires a 30 day advance notice with one final membership payment. Any unused class sessions will be forfeited at the end of your final membership month.


Soma Studio Arts will inform students and members of any additional closures due to inclement weather via e-mail.  Classes missed due to inclement weather will not be refunded, however students will have the ability to complete a makeup for the missed class during pre-scheduled makeup sessions.


Please inform us of any allergies, physical or dietary limitations, and/or concerns that may relate to you or your child(ren). It is the responsibility of the member or the child’s parent/guardian to inform us of any allergies (e.g. peanuts) that would be of concern. We will not held responsible for any bodily injuries or damages sustained as a result of participating in any class, workshop, or camp. We reserve the right to dismiss any student for inappropriate behavior.  Please complete the parent/guardian waiver as part of the enrollment process.


School staff take photographs and videos for use on internal and external marketing platforms. By participating in our programs, you are authorizing us to utilize your or your child(ren)’s likeness.  If you do not wish for your or your child(ren)’s likeness to be used in internal and external marketing platforms you must notify us in writing.

My studio is built upon referrals. Please tell your friends about my program. Thank you. ​

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